Defense Health Services System (DHSS) Code Maintenance
U.S. Defense Health Agency (DHA), Program Executive Office (PEO)
The Problem
The MHS had remained relatively unchanged for many years, leading to the system’s information transfer and delivery of care often being slow, inefficient, and stressful.
The Defense Health Agency (DHA) operates a Military Health System (MHS) that provides healthcare services to active and retired military members and their dependents. The MHS requires continuous upkeep and improvement to ensure optimal delivery of healthcare to millions of veterans nationwide.
The Solution
Elements 5 first developed a Tier II/Tier III help desk system to create a ticket pool for all pathways. Then, Agile teams for each enterprise application were created to facilitate code changes and functionality development.
The Impact
No information is available online (PLACEHOLDER MAKE SURE TO CHANGE LATER)
Following the software modifications, the Agile teams would support testing efforts before transferring the software to production, management, documentation, and security maintenance teams. The development was organized into various sprints to ensure that all development, testing, and deployment was done as efficiently as possible.